Pengaruh Bauran Pemasaran Dan Kualitas Layanan Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Di Calais Artisan Bubble Tea & Coffee Manokwari
Purpose of this research is toidentify the influence between the variable for Marketing Mix (X1), and Service Quality (X2) affect in Purchase (Y) in Calais Artisan Bubble Tea & Coffee Manokwari. The accuration method whice use are purposive sampling method. The number of samples studied were 100 respondents who are consumers of Calais Artisan Bubble Tea & Coffee Manokwari. Based on the results of the study concluded that the multiple linear regresions equation for the effect of marketing mix and service quality on purchasing decisions Y=1,794+0,125X1+0,429X2. Marketing mix in fluence the purchasing decisions based on thitung (4,908) > ttabel (1,988). While simultaneously marketing mix and service quality significantly influence the purchasing decisions because the value of fhitung (98,154) > ftabel (3,09) and determinant coefficient (R Square) is 0,669.